Thursday, December 8, 2011

Assasin Class

Loc­a­tion: Assas­sins’ Peak

Weapon Type: Fan or Circle

Primary Attack Type: Melee

Element(s): Ice

Class Mount: Eagle

Skills : 
Dis­cip­lines of Lady’s Palace
Prac­tice to increase Hit of Assas­sin disciples.

Heroic Cleave 
Basic Assas­sin skill. Causes con­tinu­ous dam­age over time to the target.
Gla­cial Spike 
Advanced Assas­sin skill. Area of effect attack that dam­ages up to 10 tar­gets within 5 metres of the caster.

Demon Skin 
Increases a single target’s Ice Resistance.
Inferior Animitta Kung Fu
Prac­tice to increase Reflexes of Assas­sin disciples.

Force­ful Strike 
Advanced Assas­sin skill. Melee attack that causes massive ice dam­age to the target.
Increases move­ment speed dramatically.

Glyph of Bind­ing 
Melee Attack that immob­il­ises and dam­ages a single tar­get. Lasts for 6 seconds.

Mass Invis­ib­il­ity 
Ranged attack that makes all team mem­bers within 7 metres (includ­ing the caster) invis­ible while redu­cing move­ment speed by 50%. Lasts 25 seconds. Effects end when attacked or skill /abil­ity used.
Dis­cip­line of Concentration
Prac­tice to increase HP of Assas­sin disciples.

Makes user invis­ible. Slows move­ment by 50%. Effect ends when attacked or skill/ability is used.

Crip­pling Aura 
Advanced Assas­sin skill. Cre­ates an explo­sion that affects up to 4 targets.

Death Trance 
Inca­pa­cit­ates tar­get for a short period. Only usable when Stealth is activated.

Tar­geted Cloak­ing 
Cloaks a single tar­get for a few seconds while slow­ing down movement.
Snow­melt Power
Prac­tice to increase Phys­ical Defence of Assas­sin disciples.

Fri­gid Armour 
Increase Phys­ical Defence from Armour dramatically

Snow­flake Pro­duc­tion 
Melee Attack against a single tar­get that increases Phys­ical Attack and has a chance to increase Crit­ical Hit.

Melt Snow 
Increases Reflexes and Rage regeneration.

Blink Attack 
Advanced Assas­sin skill. Tele­ports user to a selec­ted loc­a­tion while also mak­ing user invis­ible. Slows move­ment by 50%. Effects end when attacked or skill /abil­ity is used.
Blos­som Power
Prac­tice to increase Phys­ical Attack of Assas­sin disciples.

Blood Thirst 
Increases the Phys­ical Attack bonus received from Circles and Fans.

Leap Attack 
Melee Attack against a single tar­get that increases Phys­ical Attack and has a chance to slow the tar­get down and reduce its movement.

Focussed Power 
Increases the Hit stat­istic of an Assas­sin Dis­ciple. Puts the Assas­sin in an offens­ive stance.

Thun­der­ous Shot 
Advanced Assas­sin skill. Ranged Attack against single tar­get that increases Phys­ical Attack and has a chance to score a crit­ical hit, causing 50HP dam­age to target.
Sun Power
Prac­tice to increase max­imum MP of Assas­sin disciples.

Ignore Pain 
A dir­ect Melee Attack that causes huge dam­age to the target.

Heal­ing Blind­ness 
Cures blind­ness and pre­vents Assas­sin from being blinded for 10 seconds.

Epic War­fare 
Dra­mat­ic­ally increases Crit­ical Hit for all Assas­sin skills.
Deadly Ice
Prac­tice to increase Crit. Hit of Assas­sin disciples.

Frost Nova Potion 
Supreme Assas­sin skill. Exchanges pos­i­tions with the tar­get while also freez­ing the tar­get for 2 seconds.

Frost Nova 
Freezes the tar­get in a huge block of ice. Causes massive dam­age and also inca­pa­cit­ates the tar­get. This attack will cause the user to lose some HP.

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