Saturday, December 10, 2011


Loc­a­tion: Min­strel Cave

Weapon Type: Fan or Circle

Primary Attack Type: Traps

Element(s): Fire and Poison

Class Mount: Deer

Minstrel Class Skills
Blos­som Sutra
Prac­tice to increase Hit of Min­strel disciples.

Double-Edged Sword 
Basic Min­strel skill. Causes con­tinu­ous dam­age to the target.

Rotat­ing Beam 
Advanced Min­strel skill. Sets a trap that affects up to 3 tar­gets. Trig­ger Range: 2 metres, Dam­age Range: 3 metres. Trap lasts for 30 seconds.

Fire Storm 
Increases the Fire Res­ist­ance of a single target.
Escape Tips
Prac­tice to increase Reflexes of Min­strel disciples.

Samson’s Fin­ger 
Increases fire attack of single target.

Fly­ing Shadow 
Allows user to instantly tele­port to a selec­ted location.

Bind­ing Pat­tern 
Ranged attack against a single tar­get that makes it immune to attacks and unable to do anything.

Shield of Clouds 
Area of effect skill that increases Crit. Hit of user and up to 11 other team-mates within 7 metres.
Bomb Snare
Prac­tice to increase HP of Min­strel disciples.

Dis­or­i­ent­ing Trap 
Cre­ates a timed trap that affects up to 6 tar­gets within 4 metres, caus­ing dam­age and pre­vent­ing tar­gets from cast­ing for 6 seconds. If trap is not triggered, it auto­mat­ic­ally explodes 30 seconds later.

Trap Seeker 
Allows user to detect traps set by oppon­ents of lower Dis­cip­line skill.

Pun­ish­ing Trap 
Sets up a timed trap that affects up to 6 tar­gets within 4 metres, caus­ing dam­age and blind­ing the tar­get, caus­ing disorientation.
The Chant
Prac­tice to increase Spirit Defence of Min­strel disciples.

Phoenix Defence 
Increases the Spirit Defence bonus received from armour.

Trig­ger for Dis­or­i­ent­ing Traps 
Trig­gers the Dis­or­i­ent­ing Trap instantly. (User must be within 13 metres of trap to activate).

Wrath of Flames 
Increases Rage regen­er­a­tion rate. May also reduce a
target’s move­ment speed.

Mark of the Skull 
Ranged attack against a single tar­get that increases Spirit Attack. There is a chance to blind the tar­get for 4 seconds, which causes disorientation. Requires Wrath of Flames skill to be activated.
Secret of Fresco
Prac­tice to increase Spirit Attack of Min­strel disciples.

Blos­som Ward 
Increases the Spirit Attack bonus received from Circles and Fans.

Fren­zied Fire Ball 
Ranged Attack against a single tar­get that increases Spirit Attack. Causes massive dam­age and weak­ens the target.

Ward of Nymph 
A trap that burns its tar­get, caus­ing dam­age that increases as the level of the trap increases. Can­not be used with Wrath of Flames skill.

Explo­sion of Rings 
Advanced Min­strel skill. Reduces the cast­ing time for Pun­ish­ing Trap.
Palm of Storm
Prac­tice to increase max­imum MP of Min­strel disciples.

Fer­rules Attack 
Ranged Attack against a single tar­get that causes dam­age and reduces the target’s MP.

Wise Eva­sion 
Removes silence and provides immunity to silence cast by oppon­ents of lower Dis­cip­line skill to the user.

Power of Ice Water 
Area of effect that pre­vents 6 tar­gets within 5 metres from cast­ing for 6 seconds.
North Pole Skills
Prac­tice to increase Crit. Hit of Min­strel disciples.

Ocean Bil­lows 
Cre­ates a timed trap that affects up to 4 tar­gets within 15 metres, caus­ing dam­age to tar­gets every 2 seconds. Max­imum num­ber of traps of the same type: 1.

Huge Bang 
The most power­ful skill avail­able to the Min­strel class. Reduces the HP and MP of the tar­get dra­mat­ic­ally and increases the HP and MP of the user.

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