Saturday, December 10, 2011


Loc­a­tion: Fire Palace

Weapon Type: Spear or Falchion

Primary Attack Type: Melee

Element(s): Fire

Class Mount: Lion

Pyromancer Class Skills
Fiery Fists
Prac­tice to increase Hit of Pyro­man­cer disciples.

End­less Palm 
Basic Pyro­man­cer skill. Melee Attack against a single tar­get that causes con­tinu­ous damage.

Thun­der Clap 
Ranged attack that hits up to 10 tar­gets within 5 metres.

Supreme Strength 
Increases the strength of a single target.
Sun­flower Secret
Prac­tice to increase Reflexes of Pyro­man­cer disciples.

Flame Dragon 
Melee Attack against a single tar­get that deals massive fire damage.

Inner Fire 
Increases user’s move­ment speed

Heroic Fury 
Melee Attack that inca­pa­cit­ates a single tar­get for 3 seconds.

Light of Faith 
Increases Phys­ical Attack for up to 12 tar­gets within 7 metres.
Mira­cu­lous Change
Prac­tice to increase HP of Pyro­man­cer disciples.

Battle Frenzy 
Ber­serk status that increases Phys­ical Attack while decreas­ing Physical Defence.

Provides a chance to resur­rect the user on death, restor­ing some HP and MP.

Rage Breaker 
Melee attack that causes massive dam­age and reduces the target’s Rage.
Skills of Riptide
Prac­tice to increase Phys­ical Defence of Pyro­man­cer disciples.

Water Shield 
Increases Phys­ical Defence of Armour.

Chilling Blast 
Advanced Pyro­man­cer skill. Melee Attack against a single tar­get that has a chance to weaken the tar­get by decreas­ing Stam­ina and Willpower.

Water Force 
Increases Rage recov­ery rate, while giv­ing the user a change to distract targets.

Holy Water 
Pur­i­fies a single tar­get by remov­ing any gradual HP-loss effect. Only usable when Water Force is activated.
Skills of Flame
Prac­tice to increase Phys­ical Attack of Pyro­man­cer disciples.

Blaz­ing Sword 
Increases base Phys­ical Attack of Fal­chions and Spears.

Melee attack with a chance to burn the target.

Fire Force 
Increases Hit and Crit. Hit of user.

Attacks up to 4 tar­gets within 5 metres caus­ing sleep that lasts for 3 seconds. While tar­gets are sleep­ing they can­not act, but will wake up if damaged.
Sac­red Flame Shock
Prac­tice to increase max­imum MP of Pyro­man­cer disciples.

Flame Strike
Advanced Pyro­man­cer skill. Melee Attack that causes massive dam­age to a single target

Judg­ment of Light 
Removes silence and provides immunity to silence cast by oppon­ents of lower skill Dis­cip­line to the user.

Mighty Strike 
Skill that ignores the target’s defence.
Solar Bible
Prac­tice to increase Crit. Hit of Pyromancer.

Fiery Pull 
Ranged attack that stuns a single tar­get and drags them towards the user. Target can­not move or oper­ate while stunned, and can still be attacked. Tar­get can­not be wakened while stunned.

Fire Mas­ter 
Increases fire attack and fire res­ist­ance of user.

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