Sunday, December 11, 2011


Loc­a­tion: Voo­doo Sea

Weapon Type: Sword or Dual Swords

Primary Attack Type: Ranged

Element(s): Poison

Class Mount: Yak

Voodoo Class Skills
The Corpse Poison
Prac­tice to increase Hit of Voo­doo disciples.

Bane Palm 
Basic Voo­doo Skill. Causes con­tinu­ous dam­age to the target.

Uncanny Attack 
Area of effect attack that pois­ons up to 6 tar­gets for 8 seconds within 7 metres of the caster.

Great Forti­tude 
Increases the Poison res­ist­ance of a single target.
The Five Venoms
Prac­tice to increase Reflexes of Voo­doo disciples.

Quiv­er­ing Palm 
A skill that com­bines ice attack with poison. Causes massive poison dam­age to the target.

Scor­pion Sting 
Slows the tar­get, redu­cing its move­ment speed.

Bufagin’s Might 
Dam­ages and Blinds a single tar­get for 3 seconds. Blinded tar­gets are unable to act and will wander around disoriented.

Mark of the Wild 
Increases the Spirit Defence of up to 12 tar­gets within 7 metres of the caster.
Powder of Joviality
Prac­tice to increase HP of Voo­doo disciples.

Blood Reach 
Drains life from a single tar­get, caus­ing dam­age per second, trans­form­ing dam­age into HP to heal the caster.

Divine Grace 
Pre­vents attacks made against the user from dis­rupt­ing spell-casting.

Allows the user to choose to be resur­rec­ted at loc­a­tion of death with HP and MP restored till some extent.
Skills of Wood
Prac­tice to increase Spirit Defence of Voo­doo disciples.

Poison Res­ist­ance 

Increases the Spirit Defence bonus received from Armour.

Ser­pent Sting 
Ranged attack that cre­ates an area of effect with Spirit Attack increased and a chance to slow tar­gets, redu­cing hit rate.

Blood Aura 
Increases Rage regen­er­a­tion rate and increases max­imum HP.

Spirit Reach 
Ranged attack with an area effect that reduces target’s Rage per second and trans­fers it back to the caster.
Skills of Water
Prac­tice to increase Spirit Attack of Voo­doo disciples.

Improved Bane 
Increases the Spirit Attack bonus received from a weapon.

Earth Shock 
Ranged attack with an area effect that increases Spirit Attack and has a chance to dis­tract tar­gets, redu­cing Spirit Defence.

Flame Shock 
Attacked tar­get has a chance to be cursed, redu­cing HP continuously.

Reduces the User HP and transfer it to MP.
Prac­tice to increase Max­imum MP of Voo­doo disciples.

Drain Soul 
Area if effect skill that dam­ages up to 6 tar­gets within 5 metres of the caster.

Greater Nul­li­fic­a­tion 
Removes dazed and trapped statuses, and makes user immune to being dazed and trapped

Curse of Skull 
Dam­ages a single tar­get with a chance for a crit­ical hit, fur­ther redu­cing the target’s HP
Skills of Corrosion
Prac­tice to increase Crit. Hit of Voo­doo disciples.

Pois­on­ous Seal 
The most power­ful poison skill of the Voo­doo class. Ranged attack against a single tar­get. Tar­get receives 0.5-second Seal effect every 3 seconds for 30 seconds.

Soul Blast 
Ranged attack with an area effect that increases Poison Attack, redu­cing target’s Strength and Intelligence.


Loc­a­tion: Mt. Wu Tang

Weapon Type: Sword or Dual Swords

Primary Attack Type: Ranged

Element(s): Thun­der and Ice

Class Mount: Crane

Taoist Class Skills
Luni­solar Secret
Prac­tice to increase Hit of Taoist disciples.

Tai­chi Palm 
Basic Taoist Skill. Ranged attack that causes con­tinu­ous dam­age to the target.

Thorn Whirl­wind 
Area of effect attack that dam­aged up to 10 tar­gets within 5 metres.

Magical Spirit 
Increases the intel­li­gence of a single target.
Creep Secret
Prac­tice to increase Reflexes of Taoist disciples.

Sword Bar­rage 
Ranged attack that causes con­tinu­ous dam­age per second over a period of time.

Trel­lised Trap 
Area of effect skill that reduces up to 6 tar­gets’ move­ment speed within a 5 metre radius of trap location.

Tran­quil­iz­ing Touch 
Ranged attack that puts tar­get to sleep for 8 seconds. While asleep the tar­get can­not per­form any actions. Tar­get will return to nor­mal upon being attacked.

Nour­ish­ing Sphere 
Increases user’s max­imum MP.
Vacu­ity Secret
Prac­tice to increase HP of Taoist disciples.

Grow­ing Flame 
Ranged attack against single tar­get with increased thun­der attack.

Bubble Block­ade 
Inca­pa­cit­ates tar­gets Level 15 and lower. Affected tar­gets can­not move or use any skills. The higher the Skill Dis­cip­line for the skill, the higher the level of mon­ster that can be affected. Effect can be removed by certain skills.

Giant Shift 
Tele­ports user to a remote location.
Sword of Tai Chi
Prac­tice to increase Spirit Defence of Taoist disciples.

Tiger Shield 
Increases the Spirit Defence bonus received from Armour.

Fairy Fin­gers 
Ranged Attack against single tar­get that increases Spirit Attack and gives a chance of daz­ing the target.

Mighty Defender 
Increases Rage recov­ery rate and has a chance to increase MP points if user hits a target.

Lan­tern Ring 
Trans­fers HP dam­age to MP until MP reaches 0.
Fists of Tai Chi
Prac­tice to increase Spirit Attack of Taoist disciples.

Spirit Bonus 
Increases Spirit Attack rat­ing of one– and two-handed weapons.

Abund­ant Sur­round 
Ranged Attack against single tar­get with increased Spirit Attack and a chance to immob­il­ise the target.

Uncanny Attacker 
Increases Crit. Hit rating.

Wings of Torus 
Increases MP cost and dam­age of all offens­ive skills.
Syn­cretic Sutra
Prac­tice to increase Max­imum MP of Taoist disciples.

Heavy Sword Of Her­oes 
Ranged attack against single tar­get that causes massive damage

Revolving Spells 
Removes inca­pa­cit­ated state and pre­vents player from being sealed for 10 sec.

Puri­fic­a­tion of Body 
Resets cool-down for all skills.
Pneuma Skills
Prac­tice to increase Crit. Hit of Taoist disciples.

Spirit Charm 
Dra­mat­ic­ally increases Spirit Defence for a cer­tain period of time.

Splen­did Wings 
Ranged attack against single tar­get with increased thun­der attack that para­lyses the tar­get for 2 seconds.